
Important Disclaimer!


Although the data and information provided has been compiled and processed from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information.

In no event shall WASA, the Water Resources Agency, its employees and/or any other third party involved in or related to the processing and compilation of any of the data provided, be liable to the end user, or any other person, for any direct or indirect damages, including, without limitation, any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of this information or the inability of the customer to use the data, regardless of the form of action, even if the Agency, any of its information providers, or any other third party involved in or related to the making or compiling of any of the data has been advised of or otherwise might have anticipated the possibility of such damages. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of the information. The information is provided on an "as is" basis.


Do you need some tips?

  • On the map, you will see some icons/markers labeled 'S' streamflow icon for streamflow and 'R' rainfall icon for rainfall stations.
  • Hover the cursor over any icon, the station name will appear. Right click the icon, a more detailed popup will appear.
  • Left click on any icon, a graph will appear with the most recent data and a window of 5 days.
  • Notice, the Map is delinated by Regional Cooperation Bountries, Right Click any area to get more details on the area.
  • On the Top-Right of the Map, there is a zoom tool (Holding Shift + Left Click is a shortcut)
  • On the Top-Left of the Mapthere are some other tools.

  • The Span of the data can be changed in set increments.
  • The Interval only affects the rainfall chart. The interval date-time represents the start of the interval. The daily interval represents the rainfall that occured in a calendar day (0:00 am to 11:59pm). Example a 12h interval tagged as Monday at 12:00am represents the rainfall from Monday at 12:00am to 11:59:59 am

About - More Information

On October 19, to October 21st, 2018 an estimated 80% of Trinidad and Tobago experienced flooding due to torrential rainfall. Officials indicated that Trinidad received a month's rainfall during the two days. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago initially allocated TTD 25 million in relief funding. The business, non-governmental, non-profit organizations and citizens of Trinidad and Tobago also contributed towards the flood relief.

The Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government (MRDLG) through the Disaster Coordinator, initiated meetings with an aim to have access an Early Warning System for Flooding,such that the Disaster Management Units can activate earlier. The Water Resources Agency (WRA), Water and Sewerage (WASA) as the Hydrological Experts were also included along with other Governmental and Non-Profit Agencies. The Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society (TTRCS) is a non-governmental financial supporter of this initative. WRA currently operate two realtime systems (although not extensive):

  • Telemetry System (Legacy)
  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System

Due to economic conditions, it was agreed that the financial resources should be prioritised to increase coverage in highly affected areas. Thus additional monitoring stations will be integrated into WRA's Realtime Network using inhouse resources.

The development and implementation of this portal was executed by Ryan Mahadeo ,Engineer at WRA,WASA and will be continously updated. The installation of stations will be an ongoing process, which will be supported by MRDLG, WRA, WASA along with other Ministries. In addition to the features of this portal, the system is also designed to provide notifications via:

  1. Electronic Mail
  2. Short Messaging System
  3. Push Notifications - Web and Mobile (Future Implementation)




  • Jerry David
    Chief Disaster Coordinator, Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government
  • Keith Meade
    Senior Manager - Water Resources Agency, Water and Sewerage Authority

Developers and Technical Contributors


WRA Logo

Developed by: Ryan Mahadeo - Engineer at the Water Resources Agency, WASA. ***Note: This is a Prototype and is in testing phase ***


The Water Resources Agency's hydrological monitoring network consist of a collection of realtime and non-realtime stations. This portal combines two real-time systems of the network (a Telemetry System (Legacy) and a SCADA System with a spatial representation) into a single unified platform, which provides realtime data and notifications.

This portal is a product of the Water Resources Agency, Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago. It was developed and implemented by Ryan Mahadeo, Engineer at the Agency. Issues with the portal can be directed to Ryan via email:maha5178@wasa.gov.tt. Request for access to the portal can be made to the Head, Water Resources Agency. This portal is in prototype and testing mode.

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